The 2025 Hokudan meeting on active faulting was held online this year from 23-25 January. It was organised by our friend Koji Okumura. The abstract volume is now available for download here: Check it out, there’s some truly cool stuff, for example a trench with a 1700 year-old human skull in it…
Abstract volume for the 2025 Hokudan meeting available
2025-02-11 | in Meeting -
Christoph GrütznerCC BY-SA 3.0
New papers on paleoseismology, active tectonics, and archaeoseismology (Feb 2025)
Regine Morgenstern
New paper by McEwan et al. – Seismic hazard and shifting channels: Exploring coseismic river response
2025-01-31 | in Field work, PaperThis is a guest post by Erin McEwan.
River systems are shaped by both gradual and sudden geological processes, and the influence of active tectonics on river behaviour is a fundamental concept in tectonic and fluvial geomorphology. Despite this, much is still unknown about how earthquake surface deformation can alter flood hazard. This is concerning as human populations are increasingly expanding onto floodplains in seismically active regions. A recent review by McEwan et al (2025) in Earth-Science Reviews addresses this knowledge gap by analysing data from 52 sites where fault deformation is known to have induced an immediate change in river behavior; otherwise referred to as a Coseismic River Response (CRR).
more -
PATA Days 2024 in Chile – proceedings now online
2025-01-29 | in PATA daysThe 2024 PATA Days took place from 6-11 October in Los Andes, Chile. This was the 11th meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Archaeoseismology. The conference proceedings with all the 4-page abstracts in now available online and for download at
Many thanks to the organisers for a successful conference and for the unforgettable field trips!
PATA Days are usually organised in the framework of INQUA’s TERPRO Commission.
To learn more about the past and the future of PATA Days, and to download all past abstract volumes and field trip guides, see -
New papers on paleoseismology, active tectonics, and archaeoseismology (Jan 2025)
Christoph GrütznerCC BY-SA 3.0
Hokudan International Symposium on Active Faulting 2025 – online
2024-12-17 | in MeetingThe 2025 Hokudan International Symposium on Active Faulting will be held online from 23-25 January, 2025. Abstracts are due December 25th, deadline for registration is January 15th. Please visit the meeting website for the circular and further information: The main theme will be “Active fault research for better preparedness for earthquakes”. Another session will commemorate the eminent researchers who contributed a lot for the past Hokudan meetings and who passed away since the 2020 meeting.
Christoph GrütznerCC BY-SA 3.0
Open PostDoc position at Uni of Silesia: Enhancing Paleoseismological Records through Multi-Methods Cave Deformation Analysis Tested in Diverse Hellenides Tectonic Regimes
2024-12-16 | in JobsJacek Szczygieł is looking for a Postdoc (2 years) for his project “Enhancing Paleoseismological Records through Multi-Methods Cave Deformation Analysis Tested in Diverse Hellenides Tectonic Regimes.”
The postdoc will be responsible for coordinating and obtaining input data for the FEM analysis and performing FEM modeling of speleothems.
More information below, or follow this link.
Application deadline is the 14th of January -
Christoph GrütznerCC BY-SA 3.0
New papers on paleoseismology, active tectonics, and archaeoseismology (Dec 2024)
International Workshop: Observing Ground Deformation From Space And In The Field
2024-11-29 | in MeetingTejpal Singh and his colleagues are organizing a workshop on Observing Ground Deformation From Space And In The Field. It will take place from 16-19 December, 2024, in Chandigarh at the foot of the Himalayas. Here’s the details:
Christoph GrütznerCC BY-SA 3.0
PhD position in NZ paleoseismology with the Ngā Ngaru Wakapuke program
2024-11-25 | in JobsThere is PhD position with the Ngā Ngaru Wakapuke program in “Understanding earthquake sequences using near- and on-fault paleoseismology on the western Marlborough Fault System”. To work with leading paleoseismologists from VUW (J Howarth) & GNS.